Komm und spiel
Short Film
AKA: Come and Play
Country: Germany
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Short, Surreal, War
Grisha (Alexander Josef Shtol), a Russian-German boy living in Berlin, fools around with a wooden stick toy gun. The longer he plays, the more the boundaries between the past and the present start to blur. Images from a bygone Berlin appear - streets and buildings which still carry the memories of war - as he finds himself trapped in the nightmare of another lifetime.
- Duration: just over 31 minutes
- Winner of the Discovery Award at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival
Reviews and Other Resources
- English
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- Alexander Josef Shtol
(Grisha) - Maria Zharkova
(Mother) - Roman Sdobnyakov
(Boy with Weapon) - Andrej Kulik
(Boy in Forest)
BoyActors Reviews
1 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Page Last Modified: 20th August 2019
Page Added: 20th August 2019
Page Views: 3023
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