Keeper'n til Liverpool
AKA: The Liverpool Goalie
Country: Norway
Genre: Comedy
The Liverpool Goalie takes us into the suburban world of 13-year-old Jo. The cautious, studious kid treads a careful path through the disaster-prone world of middle school, until The New Girl, a spitfire named Mari, catches his eye. Director Arild Andresen?s peppy bio sends wide-eyed Jo through increasingly madcap adventures that show growing pains in action.
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- Ask von der Hagen
(Jo Idstad) - Susanne Boucher
- Andrine Sæther
- Kyrre Hellum
- Jostein Brox
(Tom Erik) - Mattis Asker
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Highly enjoyable from the get go! Really lovely, funny but poignant too. Watch it !

I liked this film so much, I might watch it a third time!
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Exceptionally well written comedy
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Page Last Modified: 16th May 2015
Page Added: 7th September 2011
Page Views: 12043
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