Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Diary of A Wimpy Kid follows the travails of wise-cracking middle school student Greg Heffley over the course of an academic year.

- Zachary Gordon
(Greg Heffley) - Robert Capron
(Rowley Jefferson) - Rachael Harris
- Steve Zahn
- Chloe Moretz
- Karan Brar
(Chirag Gupta) - Devon Bostick [ALUMNUS]
- Grayson Russell
(Fregley) - Alex Ferris
(Collin) - Donnie MacNeil
(Wade) - Cainan Wiebe
(Quentin) - Harrison Houde
(Darren Walsh) - Jake D. Smith
(Archie Kelly) - Owen Best
(Bryce Anderson) - Talon Dunbar
(Arthur) - Ryan Grantham
(Rodney James) - Willem Jacobson
(Cheese Boy) - Connor Fielding
(Manny Heffley)
BoyActors Reviews
17 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Most enjoyable. One of those comedies that is pretty much amusing throughout. Recommended.

Very amusing film. Zachary Gordon is great, and the format with the diary inserts works very well.

Page Last Modified: 4th March 2022
Page Added: 24th August 2010
Page Views: 10987
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