TV Miniseries
Country: UK
Genre: Crime
When extremists kidnap two seven-year-old boys from very different backgrounds and promise to release them only if their demands are met, the case falls into the hands of the intuitive and pragmatic Iain Barclay.
- 2 episodes, 60 min each
- Hugh Bonneville
(DSI Barclay) - Adrian Rawlins
(John Elder) - Clare Holman
(Dr Newell) - Jamie Glover
(Alfie Speddings) - Oliver Paxton
(James Richards)
BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
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Most recent review listed first
This so called TV series is really a TV movie split into two 60 minute parts. It's actually a follow up to a five part mini series called "Five Days", which also had abducted kids as it's main focus. The investigating team are the same characters in both. I suspect that "Hunter" was aired in two one hour parts to test it's potential as a possible regular TV series. So far that hasn't eventuated and based on the questional plausibility of this one, a fully fledged series seems unlikely. If you like kid-abduction - stranger danger - improbable plots and stereotypical characters then this is for you.
My Movie Rating: 4 / 10Page Last Modified: 7th March 2009
Page Added: 14th February 2009
Page Views: 7458
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My Movie Rating: 8 / 10