Beautiful People
TV Series
Country: UK
Genre: SitCom
It's 1997. Thirteen-year-old Simon and his best friend Kyle can't open a fridge door without belting out a show tune. And his family is even more eccentric. Mum Debbie is a whirlwind of matriarchal warmth in killer heels. Dad Andy is a lovable Irish softy and avid wine maker and older sister Ashlene is a wannabe ghetto queen. Then there's family the lodgers, blind Aunty Hayley and lobotomised grandma Narg (gran backwards) who lost God and found a foul mouth.
- Luke Ward-Wilkinson
(Simon Doonan) - Olivia Coleman
(Debbie Doonan) - Aidan McArdle
(Andy Doonan) - Layton Williams
(Kylie (Kyle)) - Sophie Ash
(Ashlene Doonan) - Meera Syal
(Aunty Hayley) - Sarah Niles
(Reba) - Samuel Barnett
(Adult Simon) - Gary Amers
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a TV Show has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
Even though I thoroughly enjoyed the first series I was disappointed that they took the safe route and went for out and out entertainment rather than dealing with the many difficult issues gay teens must confront on a daily basis. Layton Williams is superb.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10I love this show. Hilariously funny with an underlying sentiment of tolerance. There is nothing like this on American TV and even the obviously gay teen Justin on Ugly Betty cannot come out. Both countries are homophobic but at least Britian is willing to confront the issue.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Page Last Modified: 19th October 2014
Page Added: 26th September 2008
Page Views: 6948
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Check it out for Layton Williams's dancing and singing. He's now a musical theatre star.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10