Finn on the Fly
Country: Canada
Genre: Family Comedy
Finn, a cool, life-lovin', Frisbee-playing dog, and his owner, shy 13-year-old Ben, suddenly find their lives changed when Finn is accidentally transformed into a human being when Dr. Madeline Madsen?s experiment goes wrong. Once on two legs, Finn teaches Ben to feel the wind in his fur, catch Frisbees like a dog and, ultimately, to find his own pack.

- Matthew Knight
(Ben Soledad) - Ryan Belleville
- Ana Gasteyer
- Brandon Firla
- David Milchard
- Matthew Peart
- Aislinn Paul
- Vivien Endicott Douglas
- Cameron Ansell
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Not worth watching IMO unless you are a little kid. I ended up fast-forwarding through the second half of this very lame movie.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 10th August 2009
Page Added: 11th August 2008
Page Views: 6008
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