Country: Israel
Genre: Drama
At thirty-seven, Miri is a twice-widowed, El Al flight attendant. Her well-regulated existence is suddenly turned upside down by an abandoned Chinese boy whose migrant-worker mother has been summarily deported from Israel. The film is a touching comic-drama in which two human beings -- as different from each other as Tel Aviv is from Beijing -- accompany each other on a remarkable journey, one that takes them both back to a meaningful life.
- Mili Avital
- BaoQi Chen
(Noodle) - Alon Aboutboul
- Anat Waxman
- Vicky Lyn
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Page Last Modified: 30th July 2008
Page Added: 30th July 2008
Page Views: 2946
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Baoqi Chen gives an excellent performance in the titular role of Noodle in this tearjerker movie. Have a box of tissues ready in the last act of this film to rescue your leaking eyes.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10