Little Lord Fauntleroy
TV Miniseries
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Cedric, an American boy is informed that he is heir to the Earl of Dorincourt. He is sent to England to learn aristocratic ways and inherit the vast estate. The Earl is disliked by almost everyone who knows him, but Cedric sees only good in him. He also wins the hearts of the locals with kindnesses. Things are spoiled by the appearance of a vulgar, ambitious American claiming that her spoiled brat of a son is the true heir to the title.

- Michael Benz
(Cedric Errol) - George Baker
- Betsy Brantley
- Bernice Stegers
- John Castle
- Christopher Bowen
- David Healy
- Truan Munro
(Dick) - Andrew Robertson
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
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It's hard to create a truly satisfying screen Little Lord Fauntleroy just because Ceddie is such a distillation of every conceivable good quality that the boy playing him has a very difficult job on his hands. But though he's no Freddie Bartholomew, the English-American boy Michael Benz carries this straightforward, solid series very creditably, despite being a bit old for the part -- Ced is seven, though they've bumped his age up to eleven here -- and handicapped by what sure looks like a wig (or is it just a lot of hairspray?). As an adult he's acted in some Shakespeares at the reconstructed Globe. This series expands a fair bit on the events of the novel but manages to do so in a real Burnettian-cum-Dickensian spirit.
My Movie Rating:

Believe it or not, this is my introduction to this story. I thoroughly enjoyed the charm of this unabashed, feel-good presentation. Very nicely produced.
I will now, finally, try to check out the Freddie Bartholomew movie and I would love to somehow get hold of the Russian version!
My Movie Rating:

An excellent version of Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic story. Michael Benz is outstanding as the young lord and Truan Munro puts in a good performance as his American shoeshine friend, Dick. A TV series can always dramatise a book in more depth than a movie. The character of Fauntleroy is, therefore, more demanding on a young actor but Benz rises to the occasion with aplomb. Apparently in the horse riding scene with George Baker, Benz's horse bolted and was only stopped by George galloping after it!
A wonderful production by the BBC and a worthy addition to any boy film shelf.

Page Last Modified: 25th September 2018
Page Added: 29th November 2005
Page Views: 8486
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