Yes Dear
TV Series
Country: USA
Genre: SitCom
Two young couples have contrasting views on parenting. Greg and Kim are determined to be the perfect parents and raise a perfect son. Kim's sister, Christine, is a very down-to-earth mother of two boys. Her husband, Jimmy, is a security guard and content to live with his family in Kim and Greg's guest house.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Brett Buford in episode 2.19 "Dances with Couch" 2002
- Kane Ritchotte in episode 3.21 "Jimmy's Dumb" 2003
- Loren Berman in episode 4.02 "Hooked on Comics" 2003
- Cooper Green in episode 4.22 "Couples Therapy" 2004
- Cooper Green in episode 5.01 "I Wish That I Had Sammy's Girl" 2005
- Cooper Green in episode 5.14 "Dominic's First Date" 2005

- Anthony Clark
- Jean Louisa Kelly
- Liza Snyder
- Mike O'Malley
- Joel Homan
(Dominic) - Brendon Baerg
(Logan) - Nicholas Berry
(Logan) - Christopher Berry
(Logan) - Anthony Bain
(Sammy) - Michael Bain
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a TV Show has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
Page Last Modified: 7th March 2009
Page Added: 19th November 2005
Page Views: 8797
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