Idi i smotri
AKA: Come and See
Country: Soviet Union
A boy is unwillingly thrust into the atrocities of WWII Byelorussia, fighting for a hopelessly unequipped resistance movement against the ruthless German forces. Witnessing scenes of abject terror and accidentally surviving horrifying situations he loses his innocence and then his mind.

- Aleksei Kravchenko
(Florya Gaishun) - Olga Mironova
- Liubomiras Lauciavicius
- Vladas Bagdonas
- Juris Lumiste
BoyActors Reviews
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Surely a film to remind people that war is a terrible business and that the ordinary people suffer. A harrowing film and a must see for UK people as they are trying to cut themselves off from Europe. We need to talk and emphasise our common heritage rather than be different. Goverments and media promote war and we the people suffer.

A typical Russian movie - dramatic and grim. Florya, the boy partisan, is a demanding part for young Alexei Kravchenko but he gives an outstanding performance. In fact, his face physically ages during the film after all the horrors of war he witnesses. Definitely an actor worthy of an Oscar nomination.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 8th December 2015
Page Added: 4th December 2004
Page Views: 7862
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