Dobro pozhalovat, ili postoronnim vkhod vospreshchyon
AKA: Welcome, or No Trespassing
Country: Soviet Union
Set in a children's Summer camp in the former Soviet Union. Focuses on the mischievous antics of a bunch of kids. A parody of Soviet life about the relationship between society and Soviet power.
- AKA "No Holiday for Inochkin"
- English
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- Viktor Kosykh
(Kostya Inochkin) - Evgeni Evstigneev
- Arina Alejnikova
- Yura Bondarenko
(Venia) - Seryozha Kokoryov
(Sharafutdinov) - Sasha Mashovets
(Stasik) - Igor Kryukov
(Marat) - Slava Tsaruyov
(Boy with the Butterfly Net) - Boris Demb
BoyActors Reviews
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An utterly brilliant satire on Soviet bureaucracy, produced during the period of 'the Thaw' (roughly 1954-66) in the USSR. In the opening scene kids at a Summer camp are allowed to swim - but only in an area the size of a postage stamp and surrounded by netting, in order to avoid association with the local boys, who are alleged to harbour diseases. For breaking the rule of not associating with the local boys, Kostya (Vitya Kosykh) is expelled from the camp, but in fact remains on the grounds, with the other kids conspiring to keep his presence a secret.
Of course, kids in the west are now subject to far greater rules and strictures 'for their own safety' than was ever the case in the old USSR; making this satire as fresh and relevant as ever. A masterpiece of Soviet cinema. Very highly recommended.

Page Last Modified: 2nd April 2023
Page Added: 18th August 2004
Page Views: 16641
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