Jack the Bear
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Danny De Vito is a professional clown, whose wife's death in a car accident has left him to care for his two young boys. Loving, but useless at the daily job of fathering, the onus falls on plucky Jack the Bear (Robert J. Steinmiller Jr.). De Vito's conscience, and a quantity of alcohol leads him to denounce a neo-fascist candidate on his children's TV programme - and also to the kidnapping of youngest son Dylan (Miko Hughes) by a disturbed neo-nazi supporter.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Robert J. Steinmiller Jr.
(Jack) - Danny DeVito
- Miko Hughes
(Dylan) - Gary Sinise
- Reese Witherspoon
- Justin Mosley Spink
BoyActors Reviews
15 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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One of those slightly weird movies but some great acting by relatively unknown Robert J Steinmiller. I had hoped Gary Sinise's dark character would be somehow redeemed but not so. I reckon this would be Miko Hughes's first appearance.
My Movie Rating:

Robert did well, A memorable performance by DeVito!
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Page Last Modified: 21st September 2014
Page Added: 24th July 2004
Page Views: 14162
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