Le Avventure di Pinocchio
TV Mini-Series
Country: Italy
Elderly Geppetto is a poor man who lives alone. One day he acquires a log of wood from a neighbour. Instead of burning it to keep warm he carves a puppet which magically comes alive in the form of a boy. Pinocchio is sent to school but he is kidnapped. Geppetto sets out on a long search to find the boy. Eventually Geppetto is swallowed by a giant whale shark where he lives in hope of one day being reunited with his boy.
- Originally released as a TV Mini Series. Now available in a movie length version on DVD. The original runtime of 303 minutes has been edited down to 145 minutes.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Andrea Balestri
(Pinocchio) - Nino Manfredi
(Geppetto) - Gina Lollobrigida
(Fairy) - Domenico Santoro
(Lucignolo) - Franco Franchi
(Cat) - Ciccio Ingrassia
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
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By far the best adaptation.

Honestly, I didn't like it that much. The special effects and some of the acting are simply awkward.
My Movie Rating:

This version of Pinocchio is as much a social commentary on the times as it is a fairy tale. An extraordinary series, superior in every way to any other version I've seen. Made more for adults than children with Andrea Balestri well cast in the role of the cheeky young Pinocchio.

Page Last Modified: 5th January 2019
Page Added: 23rd January 2004
Page Views: 12839
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What Saga said. Italian story, so naturally Italians do it better!