Walker, Texas Ranger
TV Series
Country: USA
Texas Ranger Cordell Walker, one of the last old-fashioned heroes of the West, is a protective friend but a relentless foe who will stop at nothing to bring a criminal to justice. Walker works on instinct, often drawing on the traditions of his Native American ancestors.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Brady Bluhm in episode 2.06 "Family Matters" 1993
- Glenn Walker Harris Jr. in episode 3.07 "Road to Black Bayou" 1994
- Cameron Finley in episode 3.17 "Blue Movies" 1995
- Cameron Finley in episode 4.07 "Final Justice" 1995
- Joseph Ashton in episode 5.23 "A Father's Image" 1997
- Jacob Smith in episode 6.02 "Iceman" 1997
- Haley Joel Osment in episode 6.03 & 6.04 "Lucas" 1997
- Jesse James in episode 6.06 & 6.07 "Last of a Breed" 1997
- David Gallagher in episode 6.08 "Brainchild" 1997
- Jeremy Lelliott in episode 6.12 "Small Blessings" 1997
- Clay Jeter in episode 6.16 "Crusader" 1998
- Jonathan Hernandez in episode 6.24 "Test of Faith" 1998
- Blake Foster in episode 7.06 "Children of Halloween" 1998
- Cody Linley in episode 7.22 "Jacob's Ladder" 1999
- Jeffrey Licon in episode 8.10 "Rise to the Occasion" 1999
- Robert Bailey Jr. in episode 8.19 "Soldiers of Hate" 2000
- Gavin Fink in episode 9.01 "Home of the Brave" 2000
- Cody Linley in episode 9.12 "Desperate Measures" 2001

- Chuck Norris
- Clarence Gilyard Jr.
- Sheree J. Wilson
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 7th February 2010
Page Added: 14th December 2003
Page Views: 13289
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