Family Law
TV Series
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
A compelling drama which tackled complicated legal issues in the field of family law. The attorneys in this Southern California firm served their clients by handling divorce, custody, children's rights and the occasional murder case in the pursuit of justice.
- 69 episodes.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Joel Palmer in episode 1.01 "Pilot" 1999
- Ross Malinger in episode 1.03 "All God's Creatures" 1999
- Tyler Cole Malinger in episode 1.07 "Games" 1999
- J.B. Gaynor in episode 1.11 "Decisions" 1999
- Christian Copelin in episode 1.12 "Media Relations" 2000
- Joey Hiott in episode 1.15 "A Mother's Son" 2000
- Mike Weinberg in episode 1.16 "Are You My Father?" 2000
- Devon Alan in episode 1.18 "Necessity" 2000
- Tyler Patrick Jones in episode 2.04 "Going Home" 2000
- Billy Campos in episode 2.05 & 2.06 "Telling Lies" 2000
- Gavin Fink in episode 2.10 "Generations" 2000
- Myles Jeffrey in episode 2.18 "Safe at Home" 2001
- Curtis Blanck in episode 2.18 "Safe at Home" 2001
- Shane Hunter in episode 2.19 "Gay Divorcee" 2001
- Billy Campos in episode 2.20 "Bringing Up Babies" 2001
- Billy Campos in episode 3.01 "Irreparable Harm" 2001
- Alvin Alvarez in episode 3.02 "Moving On" 2001
- Austin Wolff in episode 3.04 "My Brother's Keeper" 2001
- Will Rothhaar in episode 3.05 "Against All Odds" 2001
- Mason Lucero in episode 3.06 "Sacrifices" 2001
- Bret Loehr in episode 3.07 "All in the Family" 2001
- Alexander Gould in episode 3.11 "Angel's Flight" 2001
- Jacob Smith in episode 3.12 "Blood and Water" 2002
- Marc John Jefferies in episode 3.13 "To Protect and Serve" 2002
- Bobby Preston in episode 3.14 "Arlene's Choice" 2002
- Jesse James in episode 3.16 "Celano v. Foster" 2002
- Gemini Barnett in episode 3.17 "Big Brother" 2002

- Kathleen Quinlan
- Christopher McDonald
- Dixie Carter
- Julie Warner
- Kirsten Love
- Cristián de la Fuente
- Tony Danza
- Gregg Henry
- David Dorfman
(Rupie Holt ) - Christine Holz-Lusita
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 17th July 2021
Page Added: 9th December 2003
Page Views: 11696
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