Little Monsters
TV Series
Country: UK
Genre: Game Show
A group of five boys are given control over the fates of a group of five adults. The boys get to decide what the adults have to do to amuse and entertain them for the day. The kids force the adults to perform a number of tasks and challenges and then judge their efforts. The show follows a basic elimination structure where the kids decide who stays and goes. The winner will be rewarded for their effort with a ?1000 cash prize each week.
- 10x60 minute shows

- Adam Everett
(Adsy) - Joshua John
(JJ) - Jamie Llewellyn
(Bigfoot) - Jordan Scudder
(Scuds) - Barney Walker
(Flip) - Jayne Sharp
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 7th March 2009
Page Added: 18th September 2003
Page Views: 9889
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Highly entertaining show - they've picked a good mix of kids with strong characters.
The question is always there though - how much input did the kids actually have? Sometimes it seems like the challenges are designed by adults who are trying to think like kids.
My Movie Rating: