The Yarn Princess
TV Movie
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Margaret is slightly retarded, and when her husband, Jake, is diagnosed with schizophrenia, the authorities wish to take her children away from her. She has to prove in a court of law that she is capable of taking care of her family.

- Jean Smart
- Robert Pastorelli
- Karl David-Djerf [ALUMNUS]
- Luke Edwards
(Daniel Thomas) - Donal Logue
- Bradley Pierce
(Josh Thomas) - Justin Burnette
(Mikey) - Jared Rushton [ALUMNUS]
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Lifetime movie, surprisingly not bad despite a lapse into courtroom histrionics and a lack of subtlety in handling the rich-poor divide. Karl David-Djerf stands out in a nicely judged performance as Jimmy and seems like he could have handled a better script. I wonder why we didn't get to see him in more movies.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 16th May 2022
Page Added: 13th May 2003
Page Views: 17759
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