Christopher Pettiet
Date of Birth: 12th February 1976
Details of Death: 12th April 2000 (accidental drug overdose)
Country of Birth: USA

- An Enemy of the People (1990)
- Dreamer of Oz (1990)
- Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991) (as Zach)
- Fatal Exposure (1991)
- Point Break (1991)
- The Young Riders [TV Series] (1991)
- Danger Island (1992)
- Sandman (1992) (as Jesse)
Guest Appearances
- Doogie Howser, M.D. (1990) ('unknown episode')
- Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) (3.12 "The High Ground" 1990)
- L.A. Law (1991) ("On the Toad Again" ep. 5.21)
- Empty Nest (1991) ("The Way We Are" ep. 3.24)
Page Last Modified: 18th August 2017
Page Added: 22nd September 2001
Page Views: 15837
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