Wally Albright
Date of Birth: 3rd September 1925
Details of Death: 7th August 1999
Country of Birth: USA

- Case of Lena Smith, The (1929)
- Single Standard, The (1929)
- Thunder (1929)
- Trespasser, The (1929)
- Wonder of Women (1929)
- Paper Hanging with Johnny Arthur (1930)
- East Lynne (1931)
- Law of the Sea (1931)
- Prodigal, The (1931)
- Salvation Nell (1931)
- Sob Sister (1931)
- Choo-Choo! (1932)
- Conquerors, The (1932)
- End of the Trail (1932)
- Silver Lining, The (1932)
- Thirteen Women (1932)
- Ann Vickers (1933)
- Grand Slam (1933)
- Mr. Skitch (1933)
- Wrecker, The (1933)
- Zoo in Budapest (1933) (as Paul Vandor)
- As the Earth Turns (1934)
- Count of Monte Cristo, The (1934)
- First Round-Up, The (1934)
- For Pete's Sake! (1934)
- Hi' Neighbor! (1934)
- Honky Donkey (1934)
- Kid Millions (1934)
- Washee Ironee (1934)
- You Belong to Me (1934) (as Second Schoolboy)
- Affair of Susan, The (1935)
- Black Fury (1935)
- O'Shaughnessy's Boy (1935) (as Child)
- Waterfront Lady (1935)
- Cowboy Star, The (1936)
- Little Miss Nobody (1936)
- Star for a Night (1936)
- What Price Vengeance? (1936)
- Captains Courageous (1937) (as Boy)
- It Happened in Hollywood (1937)
- Maid of Salem (1937)
- Old Louisiana (1937)
- Roll Along, Cowboy (1937)
- Woman I Love, The (1937)
- King of the Sierras (1938) (as Sonny Blake)
- Sons of the Legion (1938) (as Harold)
- Boy Trouble (1939) (as Boy)
- Mexicali Rose (1939)
- Time Out for Lessons (1939)
- Grapes of Wrath, The (1940)
- Johnny Apollo (1940)
- Public Enemies (1941)
Roles when Wally Albright was older than 15
- The Little Rascals (1955) (as Wally 1934)
Page Last Modified: 8th January 2024
Page Added: 14th July 2001
Page Views: 17440
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