Three Wishes
Country: USA
Genre: Family Drama
In an unexplained act of charity, Jeanne Holman, picks up an injured, apparent tramp and takes him home to care for him little realizing who he was or the effect he would have on her life and those of her family..

- Patrick Swayze
- Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
- Joseph Mazzello
(Tom Holman) - Seth Mumy
(Gunny Holman) - David Zahorsky
(Little Leland) - Brian Flannery
(Brian) - Brock Pierce
(Scott) - Davin Jacob Carey
(Sackin) - Garette Ratliff Henson
(Neighborhood Teenager)
BoyActors Reviews
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Here's a tidbit: Seth Mumy is the Son of Billy Mumy, of "Lost in Space" fame! Another great performance by Joseph Mozello! a must see just for him!

My favorite Joseph Mazello film (I think). "Take me with you!" A line I'll never forget.

This movie shows that without an excellent story or special effects (i.e. Jurassic Park, The Cure), Mazello is not such a highly talented actor.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 17th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 10220
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