Mia aioniotita kai mia mera
AKA: Eternity and a Day
Country: Greece
Genre: Drama
An old writer learns from his doctor that he is very sick and he is going to die next day. Then, he meets a 10 year old boy, who is an immigrant from Albania and works on the streets. He decides to spend his last day with the boy, in an attempt to find love, and understand the meaning of life... and time.
- Greece's entry for 1999 foreign language Oscar
BoyActors Reviews
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Accessible Angelopoulous -- what a surprise! May well be his best film. Succeeds in condensing most of the better elements of his work while avoiding most of the worse.

A ponderous film in which the protagonist, Alexander, a man who knows he is dying and has very little time left, tries to find some meaning in the recollected fragments of his life, whilst spending his last day out of hospital with a young boy, an Albanian immigrant who has been driven from his own home, and whom Alexander rescues first from the police and then from what seems to be a criminal gang which sells street children to desparate childless couples. When the young boy's friend Selim is found dead, the street kids have a sort of funeral where they burn his belongings, in a rather haunting and lovely scene. I feel this movie has hidden depths, and will repay more than one viewing.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 11th May 2016
Page Added: 20th March 2003
Page Views: 8616
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