Race to Space
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
NASA scientist Wilhelm Von Huber moves to Florida with dreams of his young son, Billy, following in his footsteps. Billy, meanwhile, idolizes astronaut Alan Shepard, and gets one step closer to space when he is hired to help train chimps for the NASA space mission. Billy develops a bond with Mac, a chimp who is eventually chosen to be the first chimp in space. The boy then becomes worried that his simian friend will not safely make it back to Earth and enlists his father's help to ensure that Mac returns home in good health.

- James Woods
- Annabeth Gish
- Alex D. Linz
(Billy von Huber) - William Devane
- T.J. Beacom
(Ed) - Austin Schwarz
(Little Kid)
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Alex was excellent as Billy, During the production, Alex was injured by one of the Chimps, He was bitten by the one that played the 2nd runner up, that was disqualified due to being over weight, Production stopped til Alex was able to continue with his roll.

Page Last Modified: 24th October 2015
Page Added: 12th March 2003
Page Views: 7045
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