Father Hood
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
On his way to a robbery, Jack Charles liberates his teenaged daughter and young son trapped in an abusive foster home. Crusading reporter Kathleen Mercer becomes their ally and battles the corrupt foster care system. As dad races across the country evading the law, the Charleses learn to be the family they never were.

- Patrick Swayze
- Brian Bonsall
(Eddie Charles) - Halle Berry
- Sabrina Lloyd
- Michael Ironside
- Diane Ladd
- Casey Coleman
(Young Kid)
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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The movie is a bit surreal, but the story itself has potential. Patrick Swayze is as cool as ever. To be watched out for if you're a fan of Brian Bonsall. Definitely not a must watch, but there are some nicely shot scenes between the kids and their dad.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 7th March 2012
Page Added: 18th February 2003
Page Views: 6204
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