East Is East
Country: UK
George Khan, proud Pakistani and chip shop owner, rules his family with a rod of iron. He thinks he?s raising his seven children to be respectable Pakistanis. But this is Salford in the North of England, in 1971. Tomboy Meenah prefers playing footie to wearing a sari, hippie Saleem pretends to be studying engineering when he?s really at art school, heart-throb Tariq has got a reputation as a local Casanova, and 12 year old Sajid hasn?t even been circumcised yet. For George, life is an uphill battle to get his family to conform to traditional Pakistani values.

- Om Puri
- Jordan Routledge
(Sajid Khan) - Gary Damer
(Earnest Moorhouse) - Linda Bassett
- Archie Panjabi
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It is a excellent movie4.Jordan's acting is great.I liked the whole cast.

Watch this film!

Page Last Modified: 29th April 2022
Page Added: 13th February 2003
Page Views: 13518
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