Fanny och Alexander
Country: Sweden
Genre: Drama
The title characters are children in the exuberant and colorful household in a Swedish town early last century. Their parents, Oscar and Emilie, are the director and the leading lady of the local theatre company. After Oscar's early death, his widow marries the bishop and moves with her children to his austere and forbidding chancery. The children are immediately miserable. A sub-plot features Isak, a local Jewish merchant who is the grandmother's lover and whose odd household becomes the children's refuge..
BoyActors Reviews
14 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I just watched this again on Turner Classic Movies. And once more more I was impressed by Bertil Guve. A mature and nuanced performance. His intensity was laser sharp.
There are film clips of Bergman directing Bertil in a number of scenes that are wonderful to watch. One of them is at:

A great film but I think the miniseries is much better, since it isn't as condensed (more scenes especially between the boy and his stepfather and some of it was rather interesting).
My Movie Rating:

In my view Ingmar Bergman's greatest films, which means some of the greatest films ever made, are the medieval dramas The Seventh Seal and The Virgin Spring; the 'Silence of God trilogy': Through a Glass Darkly, Winter Light and The Silence; Wild Strawberries; and this one.

Page Last Modified: 10th April 2018
Page Added: 15th December 2002
Page Views: 13523
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