Lucy ist jetzt Gangster
Country: Germany
Genre: Family Comedy
Happy-go-lucky, loveable Lucy has decided to rob a bank. A few weeks ago, she wouldn’t even have jaywalked. But the ice cream machine broke down and without 30.000€ they will have to close the family-owned ice cream shop. That calls for extreme measures! Lucy convinces the school’s bad-boy, Tristan to coach her: Operation “Lucyfer” covers various bad-guy disciplines such as stealing, lying, cheating, and bribing. Lucy’s training is so successful that her best buddy Rima hardly recognizes her anymore – and is worried to death what the new Gangsta-Lucy might do...

- Valerie Arnemann
- Violetta Arnemann
- Brooklyn Liebig
(Tristan) - Franziska Wulf
- Kostja Ullmann
- Lisa Marie Trense
- Fino Breiter
(Cute Little Boy)
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Page Last Modified: 18th November 2023
Page Added: 18th November 2023
Page Views: 651
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