La légende des 3 clefs
TV Miniseries
Country: France
Genre: Adventure
Damien is gifted in mathematics, Juliette has the gift of speaking all languages, Jimmy the gift of drawing what is going to happen... They are 13 years old, born on the same day, they are going to meet or rather find... but danger lurks everywhere. A group of armed men are on their heels. It seems the children cannot trust anyone except Beatrice, Damien's beautiful stepmother, Mathieu, an off duty policeman, and Jimmy's older sister, Vanessa.

- Paul Blaise
(Damien) - Manon Gaurin
- Julien Crampon
(Jimmy) - Julie Gayet
- Julie De Bona
- Thierry Neuvic
Page Last Modified: 4th July 2022
Page Added: 3rd July 2022
Page Views: 4901
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