We the Animals
Country: USA
Genre: Coming of Age
In rural upstate New York, three semi-feral boys tear through their childhood, in the midst of their young parents' volatile love that makes and unmakes the family many times over. Whilst Manny and Joel grow into versions of their loving but unpredictable father, Ma seeks to shelter her youngest son, Jonah, in the cocoon of home. More sensitive and conscious than his older siblings, Jonah increasingly embraces an imagined world all his own.
- Based on the 2011 novel of the same name by American novelist Justin Torres (b. 1980)
- Winner of several awards at international film festivals, including the NEXT Innovator Prize at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival and the Critics' Prize for Best Film at the 2019 Americana Film Fest
Reviews and Other Resources

- Evan Rosado
(Jonah) - Raúl Castillo
- Sheila Vand
- Isaiah Kristian
(Manny) - Josiah Gabriel
(Joel) - Giovanni Pacciarelli
BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Page Last Modified: 22nd April 2023
Page Added: 29th November 2019
Page Views: 2574
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