Young Winston
Country: UK
Genre: Biography
A lavish rendering of Winston Churchill's early life, showing the complex family relationships which would form the personality of the future world-famous statesman. The first part of the film covers Churchill's unhappy schooldays, up to the death of his father, Lord Randolph Churchill. The second half covers his service as a cavalry officer in India and the Sudan (during which he takes part in the cavalry charge at Omdurman), his experiences as a war correspondent in the Second Boer War, and his election to Parliament at the tender age of 26.
- Based on the 1930 autobiographical work "My Early Life", by the British statesman and writer Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
- Winner of the award for Best English-Language Foreign Film at the 1973 Golden Globes
- The Profile picture on this page shows the three actors who play Winston Churchill in this film - Simon Ward (left), Michael Audreson (centre) and Russell Lewis (right).
Reviews and Other Resources

- Simon Ward
(Young Winston) - Michael Audreson
(Winston, Age 13) - Russell Lewis
(Winston, Age 7) - Robert Shaw
(Lord Randolph Churchill) - Anne Bancroft
(Lady Jennie Churchill) - Jack Hawkins
(James Welldon) - Ian Holm
(George Earle Buckle) - Anthony Hopkins
(David Lloyd George) - John Mills
(General Kitchener)
BoyActors Reviews
1 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Page Last Modified: 22nd August 2019
Page Added: 22nd August 2019
Page Views: 3263
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