Good Boys
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
After being invited to his first kissing party, 12-year-old Max is panicking because he does not know how to kiss. Eager for some pointers, Max and his best friends, Thor and Lucas, decide to use Max's dad's drone, which they are forbidden to touch, to spy on a teenage couple who are making out. But when things go ridiculously wrong, the drone is confiscated. Desperate to get it back before Max's dad gets home, the boys skip school and set off an odyssey of epically bad decisions involving some accidentally stolen drugs, frat-house paintball, and running from both the cops and terrifying teenage girls.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Jacob Tremblay
(Max) - Brady Noon
(Thor) - Keith L. Williams
(Lucas) - Will Forte
- Molly Gordon
- Christian Darrel Scott
(Marcus) - Izaac Wang
(Soren) - Cody Davis
(Bullied Scab Kid)
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

A good movie with Jacob Tremblay at his best. The movie could have been much better if they hadn't adulterate it, by converting the adult scenes to a child's level so as to stay within the "morality code", I guess. The profanity was allowed, however, and there were lots of it from these boys. Children do see and do adult things--let's not fake it, nor make us think this is not so. Let's get real!

Page Last Modified: 4th April 2022
Page Added: 16th August 2019
Page Views: 15531
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