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The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles

TV Series

Country: USA

Genre: Adventure



The series follows the Indiana Jones character (as a young boy and as a young man) as he was growing up and experiencing his early adventures, where he gets into situations, learns life lessons and encounters various historical figures along the way.


  • 44 episodes were filmed. 28 were aired in the US in 1992 and 1993. 8 of the unaired episodes were combined to make 4 television movies.


Notable Guest Appearances

  • Lee Norris in episode "Transylvania, January 1918" ep. 2.22 1993
Picture for The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles


  • Sean Patrick Flanery
  • George Hall
  • Ronny Coutteure
  • Margaret Tyzack
  • Corey Carrier
    (Henry 'Indiana' Jones, Jr.)

BoyActors Reviews

3 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show

Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a TV Show has received at least 5 ratings

Most recent review listed first

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My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 9 / 10
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Corey Carrier is incredibly engaging and personable as Young Indy (not to mention a nice looking lad!), a completely natural actor, in what must be his most memorable screen role. My favourite episode is the 'Greek' one, the unaired episode that became the second half of the 1996 TV movie "Travels with Father". [The screencaps that make up the Gallery have all been taken from this episode.] Young Indy visits the Mount Athos monastery (strangely, unless my memory is faulty, the name of the famous monastery is never mentioned on screen) and gets to meet Nikos Kazantzakis. The episode has some nice father-son moments as well - indeed, it is the only time when Indy's cold, stand-offish father ever really has an emotional connection with his son. The Corey Carrier episodes are undoubtedly my favourites. In later episodes, a slightly older Indy is played by Sean Patrick Flanery, who is a very handsome young man. To be honest, I found him rather less sympathetic as a character, because he always seems, frankly, slightly dim. He seems hellbent on killing and/or getting himself killed. After a brief stint fighting in the Mexican Revolution with Pancho Villa, he goes off to fight in the Great War because, as he keeps reiterating, the consequences of a German victory are "unthinkable" (why?). Having learned 'respect for life' from Albert Schweitzer, he expresses this by saying that he's now fighting in order to bring the war to an end (presumably this means that previously he was fighting in order to PROLONG the war); though he still thinks exclusively in terms of an Allied victory - cue more slaughter. Having said all that, the Sean Patrick Flanery episodes are still really excellent. Indeed, overall, this series succeeds in actually being BETTER than the Indiana Jones films with Harrison Ford - which is quite something.

Must Watch My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 9 / 10
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I loved this show, Corey was amazing as Indy, I only watched the episodes he was in!

Must Watch My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 10 / 10
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Page Last Modified: 25th April 2022
Page Added: 7th September 2001

Page Views: 10699

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