Willie's War
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
When 10-year-old Willie (Lee Turnbull) is evacuated from the East End of London, he is chosen by Zander (Philip Boddy), the 13-year-old son of an army captain, to be his companion in a rambling country house. However, Willie does not enjoy Zander's hobbies of shooting, playing with toy soldiers, and boxing. His only friends are Zander's nanny, and a young soldier called Blake...
- Produced by the CFU (Children's Film Unit), a British film production unit which offered children from the ages of 10 to 16 the opportunity to learn about all aspects of filmmaking, by participating as both cast and crew in the making of professional-quality feature films
- Winner of the First prize at the Youth Film Festival of Flanders
- Lee Turnbull
(Willie) - Philip Boddy
(Zander) - Jean Alexander
(Nanny) - Charles Kay
(Captain Basset) - Edward Highmore
(Dad) - Tat Whalley [ALUMNUS]
(Soldier Blake) - Edwin Seagrove
(Sergeant Major) - Jack May
(Grandfather) - Valerie Dent
(Mum) - Alexa Povah
(Aunt Ruth) - Gordon Griffin
(Uncle Wallace) - Jemima Rooper
(Annabel) - Carina Perkins
(Jessica) - Edmund Gordon
(Thomas) - Katherine Sacks-Jones
(Paula) - James Smith
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Page Last Modified: 5th May 2018
Page Added: 5th May 2018
Page Views: 6572
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