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The Alienist

TV Series

Country: USA

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller



When a series of haunting, gruesome murders of boy prostitutes grips New York City, newly appointed police commissioner Theodore Roosevelt calls upon alienist (i.e. criminal psychologist) Dr. Laszlo Kreizler and newspaper illustrator John Moore to conduct the investigation in secret. Joined by Sara Howard, a headstrong secretary determined to become the city's first female police detective, and using the emerging disciplines of psychology and forensic science, this band of social outsiders set out to find and apprehend one of New York City's first serial killers.


  • Based on the 1995 crime novel of the same name by Caleb Carr (b. 1955)
  • Prior to the twentieth century, a person who studied mental pathologies was referred to as an 'alienist', because the mentally ill patient was seen as 'alienated', or estranged, from his own essential, rational self (just as we might say that a person is 'not in his right mind').
Picture for The Alienist


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Page Last Modified: 25th September 2020
Page Added: 17th March 2018

Page Views: 11145

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