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Creatures the World Forgot

Country: UK

Genre: Adventure, Drama



Stone Age twins Rool and Toomak each want to be chief of their tribe. But which of the two has both the strength and the wisdom to lead their people?


  • The film is the fourth and last of Hammer Film's 'Cave Girl' sequence of movies, preceded by "One Million Years B.C." (1966), "Slave Girls" (1967) and "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth" (1970).
  • There is no spoken dialogue in the film, the characters communicating entirely through grunts and gestures.
  • All of the exterior sequences in the film were shot in Namibia and South Africa.
  • The film is not to be confused with two unrelated movies, "The Land That Time Forgot" (1975), and "The People That Time Forgot" (1977).
Picture for Creatures the World Forgot


  • Tony Bonner
  • Robin John
  • Brian O'Shaughnessy
    (Mak - The Father)
  • Sue Wilson
    (Noo - The Mother)
  • Julie Ege
    (Nala - The Girl)
  • Rosalie Crutchley
    (The Old Crone)
  • Marcia Fox
    (The Dumb Girl)
  • Gerard Bonthuys
    (Young Toomak - The 'Fair' Boy)
  • Hans Kiesouw
    (Young Rool - The 'Dark' Boy)
  • Don Leonard
    (The Old Leader)

BoyActors Reviews

1 member reviews/ratings for this Movie

Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings

Most recent review listed first

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It appears that this movie closely reflect early man the way it was, featuring animals (sorry no dinosaurs) and creatures that also existed at that time. There was hardly any dialogue except for the grunting and gesturing as they struggle for survival for it seems death was always nearby.Tony Bonner and Robin John did great in their respective roles.

My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 10 / 10
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Page Last Modified: 24th February 2018
Page Added: 24th February 2018

Page Views: 3530

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