TV Series
Genre: Historical Drama
Two soldiers, the staunch, conservative Lucius Vorenus, and the down-to-earth Titus Pullo, are caught up in the maelstrom of events that signal the collapse of the Roman Republic and the birth of the Empire. They encounter war, political intrigue, assassinations and family tragedies, all the while surrounded by such figures as Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Gaius Octavian (Max Pirkis), Cleopatra, and Cleopatra's son Caesarion (Max Baldry), in this ravishing series that was one of the most expensive productions in television history and which was honoured with numerous awards.
- Shown in two seasons, the first transmitted in late 2005 (comprising 12 episodes) and the second in early 2007 (10 episodes)
- Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are fictionalized versions of a pair of Roman soldiers mentioned in Caesar's "Commentarii de Bello Gallico" who start out as bitter rivals, but end up saving each other's lives. The story of the two men in this TV series, however, bears no relation to Caesar's account.
- Kevin McKidd
(Lucius Vorenus) - Ray Stevenson
(Titus Pullo) - Polly Walker
(Atia of the Julii) - James Purefoy
(Mark Antony) - Tobias Menzies
(Marcus Junius Brutus) - David Bamber
(Marcus Tullius Cicero) - Max Pirkis
(Gaius Octavian) - Ciarán Hinds
(Gaius Julius Caesar) - Kenneth Cranham
(Pompey Magnus) - Simon Woods
(Gaius Octavian Caesar) - Lyndsey Marshal
(Cleopatra) - Max Baldry
(Caesarion) - Kerry Condon
(Octavia of the Julii) - Lindsay Duncan
(Servilia of the Junii) - Alessio Di Cesare
(Rubio) - Michele Pettini
(Son of Pompey)
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Page Last Modified: 18th January 2018
Page Added: 18th December 2017
Page Views: 6323
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