Goodbye, Mr. Chips
Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical, Romance
Stuffy Latin instructor Arthur Chipping (Peter O'Toole) is widely disliked by his young charges at a small public school in Great Britain in the 1920s, until he finds his life turned around by charming music hall singer Katherine Bridges (Petula Clark). Though her lower-class background impedes Chipping's longed-for rise to the position of headmaster, the boys become devoted to her good-hearted warmth, which also helps transform the once-despised "Chips" into a beloved school figure.
- The screenplay, by Terence Rattigan, is based on the 1934 novella of the same name by James Hilton, though with significant alterations.
- Peter O'Toole
(Arthur Chipping) - Petula Clark
(Katherine Bridges) - Michael Redgrave
(The Headmaster) - Siân Phillips
(Ursula Mossbank) - Michael Bryant
(Max Staefel) - George Baker
(Lord Sutterwick) - Alison Leggatt
(The Headmaster's Wife) - Clinton Greyn
(Bill Calbury) - Michael Culver
(Johnny Longbridge) - Jack Hedley
(William Baxter) - Michael Audreson
(Schoolboy - uncredited) - Stephen Reed
(Schoolboy - uncredited) - Nicholas Frankau
(Tardy Schoolboy - uncredited) - Patricia Hayes
(Miss Honeybun - uncredited) - John Gugolka
(Sutterwick Jr.)
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Page Last Modified: 18th September 2022
Page Added: 30th November 2017
Page Views: 2930
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