Fahrenheit 451
Country: UK
In a society that has banned all reading material as subversive, and where the work of the fire department is to incinerate books, a fireman called Montag begins to question his role in his society...
- Based on the 1953 novel of the same name by Ray Bradbury
- Directed by Fran?ois Truffaut, this was Truffaut's first colour film and his only ever English-language film.
- According to the film and the novel, Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper spontaneously ignites.

- Oskar Werner
(Guy Montag) - Julie Christie
(Linda Montag/Clarisse) - Cyril Cusack
(Captain) - Bee Duffell
(Book Woman) - Anton Diffring
(Fabian) - Ann Bell
(Doris - uncredited) - Caroline Hunt
(Helen - uncredited) - Anna Palk
(Jackie) - Gillian Lewis
(TV Announcer - uncredited) - Noel Davis
(Cousin Midge, TV Personality - uncredited) - Kevin Eldon
(Robert, First Schoolboy - uncredited) - Mark Lester
(Second Schoolboy - uncredited) - Denis Gilmore [ALUMNUS]
- Earl Younger
(Nephew of 'Weir of Hermiston' - uncredited)
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Page Last Modified: 14th August 2021
Page Added: 14th November 2017
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Despite its flaws, this is still a powerful and exceptional film.