The Wonder Kid
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Sebastian Giro is a ten-year-old French boy and child musical prodigy found in an orphanage by Mr Gorik, who exploits the youngster?s talent as a classical pianist and turns him into an international celebrity - but who also embezzles the takings so that the boy gets hardly any reward for his work. In addition, Gorik won?t allow Sebastian to enjoy the simple pleasures of being a little boy, like playing with other boys or even reading comic books, because, when Sebastian isn?t performing, Gorik isn?t making any money out of him! When Sebastian's English governess, Miss Frisbie, is dismissed from her post for confronting Gorik, she pays a gang of crooks to "kidnap" Sebastian, and hide him in a remote lodge in the Austrian Tyrol, where, ironically, the boy has never been so free and happy...
- Bobby Henrey
(Sebastian Giro) - Elwyn Brook-Jones
- Muriel Aked
- Oskar Werner
- Robert Shackleton
- Sebastian Cabot
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Page Last Modified: 11th March 2024
Page Added: 1st November 2017
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Bobby Henrey was heavily promoted as the star of this film - I guess he was quite popular after The Fallen Idol! He is charming here as the sheltered piano prodigy Sebastian, who yearns for a normal boyhood and especially hates the feminine collars he is made to wear for recitals. Muriel Aked puts in a delightfully campy performance as the whacky but loving governess. Oskar Werner plays an American gangster who reluctantly gets caught up with European mobsters, and finds himself acting as a father figure for young Sebastian. An offbeat and entertaining thriller.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10