Blutsbrüder teilen alles
Country: Austria
Genre: Drama
Set in the midst of World War Two, and interspersed with beautiful choir music, the horrors of the war unfold in a world seemingly removed from the boys' all but idyllic life. Joining the choir in the Kinderlandverschickung, a village retreat and Nazi program to get children out of bombed cities, it is discovered that one of the new arrivals is of Jewish origin. As the choir is set to give a once-in-a-lifetime performance before leading Nazi officials, the SS begins to close in on the Jewish-German boy in sheep?s clothing, hidden away among the other German children - who is, unbeknownst to them, the star of the choir.
- Lorenz Willkomm
(Alex) - Johannes Nussbaum
(Ferry) - Benedikt Hösl
- Felix Jancik
- Udo Samel
BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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If the storyline appeals, check out the history of the renowned Dresdner Kreuzchor under Rudolf Mauersberger, who kept things going under Nazi and then Soviet rule and through the Second World War and the firebombing of Dresden. The modern choir was the subject of a 2007 documentary miniseries, Der Kreuzchor - Engel, Bengel & Musik.
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10Page Last Modified: 24th September 2018
Page Added: 25th July 2016
Page Views: 3885
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