Junges Licht
Country: Germany
Genre: Drama
Julian lives in a mining village full of constrictions, poverty and brutality. Julian doesn't see any point in school: he wants to be a miner like his father. When his mother has a nervous breakdown and takes his sister to the sea, Julian and his father are left alone. Julian feels responsible for the household, making bread and butter for his father and meeting him at the pit at the end of his shift. Julian doesn't much like spending time with the other boys in the village, whose games tend to be violent. Julian starts watching Marusha, his landlord's step-daughter, who has captivated him with her charms - and also cast a spell over his father?
- Based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Ralf Rothmann (English translation, "Young Light", 2010)
- English
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BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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This movie is based on the novel by Ralf Rothmann, which it follows very closely (the novel has been translated into English as "Young Light"). The cinematography in this movie is stunning. Somehow, even industrial pollution is made to look beautiful! Oscar Brose plays the 12 year old boy Julian, who lives with his younger sister, an emotionally unstable mother who regularly beats him, and a father whom he loves deeply and idolizes. This is in many ways a classic 'coming-of-age' movie, showing the trajectory of the protagonist as he slowly begins to perceive the hypocrisies and weaknesses of the adults around him, and finally learms to assert himself against the adult world. The adult characters in this story are presented as ordinary, credible, morally compromised human beings. None of them are demonised as such - not even Julian's mother - and I think this is important. I should perhaps remark that Oscar Brose is absolutely brilliant as Julian, a remarkably sensitive performer. All in all, I think this is one of the few occasions where the film is actually better than the novel.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 29th November 2023
Page Added: 2nd June 2016
Page Views: 10659
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