A Christmas Carol
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
The timeworn Dickens' story about the old merchant Scrooge and how his own disappointments in life shape his view that both life and men are not worthy of his notice or concern. He displays no charity to mankind generally, and in particular, to his employee Bob Cratchett and his unfortunate son, Tiny Tim. But the dessicated gent is about to get his comeuppance when he imagines he is visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future.
- Based upon the novel by Charles Dickens

- Reginald Owen
- Gene Lockhart
- Terry Kilburn
(Tiny Tim) - Ronald Sinclair
(Young Scrooge) - Barry MacKay
- Lynne Carver
- John O'Day
(Peter Cratchit) - William Martin
(Cratchit Middle Son) - Clifford Severn
(Boy who buys Scrooge's Turkey) - Charles Peck
(Dick Wilkins) - Delmar Watson
(Snowballer in Gang)
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Page Last Modified: 5th March 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 6856
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A good movie because of Terry Kilburn, one of my most favorite actors of that era.
My Movie Rating: