Billy Elliot the Musical
Country: UK
Genre: Musical Drama
A talented young dancer has to learn to fight for his dream despite social and parental disapproval. Filmed live performance from London's Victoria Palace Theatre.

- Elliott Hanna
(Billy Elliot) - Ruthie Henshall
- Deka Walmsley
- Ann Emery
- Howard Crossley
- Liam Mower [ALUMNUS]
- Zach Atkinson
(Michael) - Liam Sargeant
(Small Boy) - Caspar Meurisse
(Tall Boy) - Tom Holland [ALUMNUS]
(Former Billy - Encore, uncredited) - Layton Williams [ALUMNUS]
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A wonderful musical even for those who don't usually like musicals. Elliott Hanna makes a good Billy. Liam Mower was the greatest, no question, so it's quite special to see him return here as the adult Billy. The dancing of Billys such as Liam Redhead, Alex Ko, Mitchell Tobin and Oliver Taylor outshines Elliott's, but Elliott's acting is better.
My Movie Rating:

This is one of my favorite movie.

Not bad at all, but still much better in person.
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Page Last Modified: 8th December 2018
Page Added: 2nd December 2015
Page Views: 7073
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