AKA: Cub
Country: Belgium
Genre: Horror
Over-imaginative 12 year-old Sam heads off to the woods to summer scout camp with his pack convinced he will encounter a monster...and he does.
- Maurice Luijten
(Sam) - Titus De Voogdt
- Stef Aerts
- Evelien Bosmans
- Jan Hammenecker
- Gil Eeckelaert
(Kai) - Noa Tambwe Kabati
(Den Leader David) - Ricko Otto
(Cub Dieter) - Louis Lemmens
(Cub Dries) - Thomas De Smet
(Cub Steven) - Pieter De Brabandere
(Cub Boris) - Jessie Tweepeeninckx
(Cub 'Rilatimmy') - Isah De Zutter
(Cub Michaël) - Ebe Meynckens
(Cub Bas)
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 2nd August 2015
Page Added: 9th September 2014
Page Views: 4296
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Unpleasant and mean-spirited movie. Although replete with people doing horrible and disgusting things to each other (including the young boys), it never actually felt scary or imaginative, just unpleasant. I fail to see the merit.
My Movie Rating: 1 / 10