About a Boy
TV Series
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Will Freeman lives a charmed existence. After writing a hit song, he was granted a life of free time, free love and freedom from financial woes. He's single, unemployed and loving it. So imagine his surprise when Fiona, a needy single mom and her oddly charming 11-year-old son, Marcus, move in next door and disrupt his perfect world. When Marcus begins dropping by his home unannounced, Will's not so sure about being a kid's new best friend, until, of course, Will discovers that women find single dads irresistible.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Dartanian Sloan in episode 1.07 "About a Poker Night" 2014
- Van Crosby in episode 1.07 "About a Poker Night" 2014
- Ethan Dizon in episode 1.07 "About a Poker Night" 2014
- Matthew Jacob Wayne in episode 1.08 " About a Slopmaster" 2014
- Reid Miller in episode 1.10 "About a Boy's Dad" 2014
- Max Harris in episode 2.2 "About a House for Sale" 2014
BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
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Page Last Modified: 17th November 2024
Page Added: 19th July 2014
Page Views: 6935
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