Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Alice Hyatt, a resigned Southwest housewife, takes advantage of her trucker husband's sudden death to hit the road with her bratty son and pursue her childhood dream of a singing career. She finds a job as a lounge singer, but after a horrific encounter with an abusive new beau, she flees and winds up taking a waittress job at Mel's Diner. With her career on hold, Alice soon finds strength and self-worth through her friendship with the other waittresses, saucy Flo and spacy Vera. When sensitive rancher David starts courting her, Alice wonders if she wants to abandon her goals for domesticity again.

- Ellen Burstyn
- Kris Kristofferson
- Alfred Lutter
(Tommy) - Harvey Keitel
- Billy Green Bush
- Diane Ladd
- Jodie Foster
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Sorry, it was boring.

This movie inspired the long running tv series "Alice" starring Linda Lavin, and Phillip McKeon as Tommy.
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Page Last Modified: 20th October 2009
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 6663
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