3 Ninjas Kick Back
Country: USA
During a championship baseball match, the three brothers hear that their grandfather in Japan is in trouble, and head out to help him, conceding the match. When they arrive in Japan, they must use all their powers to defend him against his ancient enemy, who has returned to exact revenge.This was actually the third of the Ninja movies but released second. Max Elliot Slade was the only one of the original three ninjas to remain.

- Max Elliott Slade
(Jeffrey 'Colt' Douglas) - J. Evan Bonifant
(Michael 'Tum Tum' Douglas) - Sean Fox
(Samuel 'Rocky' Douglas Jr.) - Victor Wong
- Caroline Junko King
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I liked this one. I thought this one wasn't bad at all from the start. The actors brought a whole new side. Great film.
My Movie Rating:

I really missed Michael Treanor and Chad Power. To me the movie wasn't the same without them. I wasn't happy with this movie at all. It had a couple of funny moments but it was nowhere near as good as 3 Ninjas and 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 19th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 22509
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