Across the Sea of Time
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
Tomas, a young Russian boy travels to New York - as a blind passenger on a Russian freighter. Close to Ellis Island he gets off-board the fastest way and begins searching for the family of one of his ancestors, who had emigrated decades ago, but once sent a letter home together with a sample of his new profession: 3D-Photography. The boy follows his relative's traces by counter-checking the old 3D-Photographs of New York (using an antique viewer) with the same places and how they look today.
- Peter Reznick
(Tomas) - John McDonough
- Avi Hoffman
- Victor Steinbach
- Peter Boyden
- Philip Levy
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
When I watch a movie I want to see acting,not get a history lesson.
My Movie Rating: 3 / 10Page Last Modified: 11th March 2024
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9592
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