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Children of Fire Mountain

TV Series

Country: New Zealand

Genre: Adventure, Family, Historical Drama



In 1900, Englishman Sir Charles Pemberton is so impressed by the beneficial effects that a New Zealand health spa has on his arthritis that he decides to build a hotel in its vicinity. Unfortunately, the piece of land where he decides to build his hotel is regarded as 'tapu' (sacred) by the Maori. Meanwhile, Tom and his friends Davie and Hema after some initial reluctance, befriend Sir Charles' grand-daughter Sarah Jane, who becomes gradually convinced that her grandfather's plans to build on tapu land will result in catastrophe. At first, the boys are more interested in a local character called Doomy Dwyer, whom they believe is manufacturing illegal grog. By the time they've sorted out that mystery, however, a visiting scientist is finding evidence of increased thermal activity in the springs connected with the local volcano. Have the ancient spirits finally been roused by Sir Charles' violation of the tapu?


  • Comprising 13 episodes, each approximately 26 minutes in length


Picture for Children of Fire Mountain


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Page Last Modified: 9th March 2022
Page Added: 12th October 2010

Page Views: 14115

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