The Fairy King of Ar
Country: USA
Since birth, Kyle and Evie Preston have been told stories by their grandmother about battling giants who trapped the last of the world's fairies underground many thousands of years ago. When their Grandmother dies, Kyle and Evie inherit an old gold mine and family house that they didn't even know existed. Little do they know the mine is actually keeping fairies trapped and if not set free, they will be lost forever. It's a race against time as the trapped fairies hold the cure to a terminal disease which has befallen the kids' father.

- Jameson Baltes
(Kyle Preston) - Brittney Bomann
- Corbin Bernsen
- Glynnis Barber
- Malcolm McDowell
- Byron Taylor
(Goblin King)
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

This movie should have been much better. The performances are stilted and predictable. The writing sappy.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 19th July 2010
Page Added: 19th July 2010
Page Views: 8241
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