The Song of Sparrows
AKA: Avaze gonjeshk-ha
Country: Iran
Genre: Drama
When an ostrich-rancher focuses on replacing his daughter's hearing aid, which breaks right before crucial exams, everything changes for a struggling rural family in Iran. Karim motorbikes into a world alien to him - incredibly hectic Tehran, where sudden opportunities for independence, thrill and challenge him. But his honor and honesty, plus traditional authority over his inventive clan, are tested, as he stumbles among vast cultural and economic gaps between his village nestled in the desert, and a throbbing international metropolis
- Iran's 2009 submission for foreign language Oscar

- Reza Najie
- Hamed Aghazi
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

A well made and produced film showing modern life in Iran.
My Movie Rating:

This must have been added to the db at the same time I was watching it.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 6th October 2013
Page Added: 8th May 2010
Page Views: 6889
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